Tuesday, June 28, 2011


I went to San Francisco. I discovered there that I've fallen behind technology while in Flagstaff. So! There's only one thing to do. Upgrade! I've decided to give my internet presence and gadgets/technology/programs a complete overhaul in the next 2 years or so. 2 years because I think it's going to take that long to get the funds for it.

Then I'll be all set to move to the big city and have a career for a few years!

I've suddenly been thrust into this weird state of adulthood. I feel a very profound need to be a career woman, if you will. And nesting has begun. I want an earthship, off the grid, with a garden, by a river, with a dock, and a little boat, and an inner-tube tied to the dock with a rope, so I can sit in it, and not go anywhere.

I want to have a "job" where I telecommute and get to make executive decisions and control the direction my designs and art take.

I also want to cure my diabetes. And it looks like I can, if I get in on the right clinical trial. Speaking of diabetes, here's this really wicked electronic log book program for iPhone called Diabetes Buddy that has EVERYTHING I EVER wanted in a log book! I can track my sugars, insulin, exercise, and food along with other things like water consumption and BMI/weight changes, all in one program on my iPhone! The only problem is, I have a 1st gen iPhone, and the program needs the 4.0 update to run. 1st gen only supports 3.x.x. More motivation to upgrade I guess.

Exciting things! I feel like I've awakened into a new part of myself, but more on that when I post about FaeryWorlds and the rest of my trip. ; )

Saturday, May 28, 2011


It's finally Spring! No more snow or frosts this year. I've planted squash, beans, and carrots. We'll see how they turn out. I'm hoping to receive tomato plants from my friend Esther once they get big enough. We have mint taking over one of the planters, green onions, sage and cilantro. Good eats!

I'm gearing up for Fairyworlds in Eugene, OR. Natasha, Maria, a few others and I will be manning a booth and selling all manner of wonders and trinkets. There will be art, masks, jewelry, books, clothing and more! Fun for all!

I've been doing a lot of thinking lately, mostly about my current direction. Circus is taking over my life and I didn't want it to, so after this performance season, I'll be scaling it back significantly. The only performing I'll be doing will be with the band. Fire up in Flagstaff is just too much of a hassle. I'll be learning some new and interesting skills like fire meteor, dart, and fire breathing/eating. And I'll be keeping up with the juggling. But just to dabble. Maybe something awesome will come out of these experiments, but I'm not banking on it. I just want to have fun with it. More trumpet, more painting, less stress, happy Kim.

I'll be celebrating my 1 year anniversary in a couple weeks. My how time flies when your in love. : )

I can't wait until my self-imposed 2 years is up on my job. I'm ready to be more creative and actually get paid real money for what I can do.

Diabetes management is improving. I discovered to my dismay that all the ratios in my insulin pump were completely off and I have been working to get things back on track. Vision is improving with my blood sugars, and I've hooked up with an excellent diabetes educator who doesn't scoff at my dreams of curing my disease or participating in clinical trials to that end. The next step is finding a like-minded endocrinologist (a requirement for most of the clinical trials). I think I may be conducting interviews for that position. I really want my new doc to be on board for curing me, not treating me. I have faith.

On the injury front, I've started light work-outs that include stretching, balance and equipment-less exercises (push-ups, crunches, pull-ups, etc.) that use my body as its own weight system. I've decided to track my progress and see how I improve month to month. Maybe I'll be a flier yet! Stretching and moving feels really good. I'm doing it right.

I'm donating a painted adirondack chair to my Mom's Soroptimist Club for a raffle in Phoenix. It's a desert-scape with prickly pear cactus. I'll be painting it today. I had another, more epic idea, but she told me to stick with something simple. Next year, I'll be painting it a Dia de los Muertos theme with a skeleton mother and a skeleton embryo and flowers and bright colors and yay!

Motorcycle, gallery showings and paintings are in the works.

End of line.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Also, Resolutions Update

My New Years Resolutions can be found here.

I'm in the middle of all my books and pretty close to finishing 2 of them.
The Circus Bacchus brand is taking shape, once I find where my computer hid my fonts, I'll be good to go on that.
No paintings done as of yet.
No elaboration on my stories as of yet.
Still knitting sometimes.
1 rave down, but it doesn't count because it sucked. EDC is looking like a definite.
My insurance pay-off for the car accident came in, so money saved. Chi-ching!
Band is taking care of all my trumpet needs and more.
I'm on the fence about the hip-hop class because of time commitment.
As soon as it gets warm enough, I'll start biking. Probably sometime in April.

In addition to all that, I'll be learning a new circus skill, buying a motorcycle, and trying to get a local gallery show or two before the end of the year. And Detox in April.

Update and Plans

So, as you've probably guessed, I've been out of the neck brace for some time now. Muscle pain is almost nonexistent and my muscles are coming back in. Poi helps a lot, but I've lost all of my strength and using my heavy practice rigs is now a workout!

Circus and band are coming right along. It appears that I've caught them at an interesting time when they're starting to be sought out for gigs and formalizing the ranks and becoming an actual performance troop. Very exciting indeed. I'm going to be in an acrobalance act, a fire breathing/eating act and a fire poi act. I've got music for most and have started choreography for none... Shows appear to be during the summer, so I have a little time.

I've also accidentally developed a sad clown character. Her name is Crispy, and she'll play with fire. Kindlin Stokes continues to be my main stage presence though.

I profoundly miss modeling. I crave the meditation time and never seem to find the time to sit for 3 hours and think, which is what that work became for me.

Spring Fever. I has it. And along with it, the desire to do a detox. I think I'll try one for 3 weeks starting in April. This time I'll take the supplements and get the body work and do the exercises and the special hygiene things (scrubs, skin-care, aromatherapy, etc.) I'll feel fabulous when I'm done. : )

I'm trying to manage my time better, it's coming along... Slowly... This is an ongoing problem that I need to address.

In art, I'm trying to make more time, and I'll be tricking out part of the garage to make a studio for painting and outside sorts of art activities. I'll probably use it as a drying room too, away from the pets.

Blood sugar control never ceases to amaze me. I've been keeping better track for a week now and I can already read street signs from the car again. The world is a lot bigger when I can see the trees on the peaks and the leaves on branches across the street. I'm also feeling a little more energetic. Not that any of this surprises me, but I think I'd like to see how far I can take it this time and actually be well for a while. I'm tired of being sick and injured.

I'm very tired today. Stayed up late to pick my sister up from the train station. Really late. I think I'll be nice to myself when I get home and take it easy.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

America: Whore to the World (a silly rant...)

America is being used.

The catalyst for my realization of this is the current Libya situation. Apparently, the US decided to wait on the UN to tell us that we could launch missiles at Libya. I see it differently. The UN wouldn't have approved the "no fly zone" over Libya in the first place if they weren't 100% sure we'd go in shooting as soon as they told us to. It's as if we are the pitbull that the rest of the world likes to use as a guard dog. The UN clears a path and says "America! Sic-em!" and we charge in snarling and ready to bite anyone in range of our jaws. Because clearly, every revolution, civil war, riot and social disturbance in the world is OUR BUSINESS. Clearly.

We are used as a rent-a-cop security force around the world. Our government likes it. Not too sure why. And I think the general public, being as well informed as we are because of things like the internet, is going to realize how we are being used sooner than they'd like.

Not only are we hired thugs throughout the world, we are also expected to feed the world, consume electronics and gasoline and all manner of disposable shit that the world makes for us to consume. We give and give and give money and manpower, and the world uses us like a cheap whore. And when they get tired of using us for our money and idealistic, jar-head military, they'll kick us to the curb.

Not that I consider that a bad thing. I think the US would benefit from being kicked out of the center of the world's attention. We could focus on ourselves for once; heal our sick, care for our poor, house our homeless, feed our hungry, etc. Maybe even have some riots and revolutions of our own.

If it were up to me, I'd call back ALL the troops, let the world fend for itself, feed itself, and trade with itself. I'd create jobs by creating American made goods and food in American factories and fields staffed by American citizens. Legalize drugs and profit from the revenue that the current black market creates. Socialize healthcare, food distribution and housing for those that need it. Kick our petroleum addiction and use the sun and the air and the water to provide cheap power for everyone. Focus on systematically converting our cities into environmentally friendly places to live with alturnatives to the wasteful practices we currently employ.

Think about it. How much money would we save if we pulled our troops back, stopped being antagonists, and took up a defensive, reactive strategy rather than an offensive, preemptive one? How would the world's view of us change if we stopped sticking our fingers into their business? How limitless would the possibilities be with all of the savings our country would generate by making our own stuff and not policing the world?

And, most importantly, why do we continue to allow ourselves to be taken advantage of by our government, bad decisions, and the greed of the world?

We'd go completely bankrupt if everyone we owed money to decided to cash in all at once. Japan, a single country, holds massive emergency reserve currency bills in US dollars. They are facing national crisis and could sink our economy deeper into the hole we've dug for it if they decide to cash in on those bills.

My conclusion is that we should pull in and help ourselves before we have to split the country up into pieces and give it to debtors in order to pay them off. Then we will no longer be Americans, and the dream will end having never really been realized. H.S. Thompson believed that the American dream was dead. I believe we've merely turned it into a nightmare through our irresponsible meddling. My hope is that we will wake up and be able to stop the train wreck before it happens.

The end.

I really love freedom and liberty. I wish that our government felt the same way, and lived for the will of the people, not the job security of career politicians. (But that's another rant...)

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Angst and Progress Report

So, I've been having these PTSD panic attacks while riding in cars and traveling at high velocities... I've never had this problem before and it's making me very unhappy. I'm not too sure what to do about it. And it's putting me in a rotten mood.

No more angst.

I'm getting the creativity bug again. I think it's time for some epic painting! And I found another gallery in Flagstaff where I could potentially display my work.

I'm currently reading 10 books.

I'm set up for learning fire breathing and eating as soon as it gets warm outside and the wind dies down! And I'll probably be performing it as an act in late summer! Exciting!

I'm also seeing some improvement in my blood sugars. Hopefully I'll be able to achieve my goal of a Hemoglobin 1Ac score of 8 by the end of the year.

Lastly, I landed an illustration gig yesterday! It's for a series of science oriented children's books on nature and natural forces. I'll explain more once I get more familiar with the material. : )

Thursday, January 27, 2011


I want one. Screw buying a house.

Here's the interior:


Finished the first knitting project I ever started. It's a short scarf with yellow buttons. : )

I've been out of the neck brace since the 10th. And it's been SO nice. I'm recovering quickly and have lost a bit of strength and muscle, but there hasn't been much pain aside from stiffness.

I begin work again full time next week. Yay paycheck!

I've made a rag tag list of resolutions to guide me through my next year. Very few are physical goals, but I can make those once my body is in working condition again.

Read 5 Classics
Read 5 books from personal library
Circus Bacchus Act Posters
Love Paintings
Kris' Angels
Burn Unit Story and Character Sketches
Geb & Nut (legend in Burn Unit universe)
Finish 2 video games
Kitten Head Paintings
Beanie the Premie
Mittens, Chessie, Ginger, Mica
Finish Character Backgrounds
Sculpt a little
Knit a bit
Go to 2 raves
Rebuild lost strength
More trumpet
Bike (later in year)
Hip Hop Dance Class (later in year)
Save monies
A1c 8 or lower