Wednesday, December 29, 2010


I just finished my first knitting project ever! It's the second project I've started, and it only took 2 days! It's a pretty, multi-colored scarf!

Uuuum... Pics to come. My tragically specialized cord for my camera is AWOL. Both of them. They must be lost in the sea of still-packed boxes that is my bedroom currently. But it's totally pretty and I'm totally proud of myself!

So new skills learned:
Casting On
Knit Stitching
Casting Off

I supplemented the learning I already did with tutorials from a website called It's a DIY/How To site. My favorite part about it is that the search bar says "I want to be good at..." before you click on it to enter your keywords.

Disneyland tomorrow! XD

Monday, December 20, 2010

Happy Holidays Everyone!

I love business cards. They make me so happy. They are the smallest, most circulated piece of advertising that a person can have. The reason I love them is because they are always a challenge. The amount of information on that 2"x3.5" piece of paper ranges from minimal to staggering depending on the card, and it is all, usually, very important. Tetrising all of it into the small rectangle is fun and exciting for me, and, apart from logo building, it is my favorite thing to design.

I'll put some examples here later.

I moved into my new dwelling a couple days ago. Much love and thanks to all who carried heavy things and spent gas and time on me this past Saturday. : )

Now I have internet again! So I'll update off the clock. ; )

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

The Verdict... in.

The neurologist says that I have to keep the brace on until mid January. On the bright side, I'll be able to skip to the front of all the lines at Disneyland.

My trigger finger was helped, but not cured by the first shot. I suspect a second shot is needed. Not thrilled.

This week I'll see another doc about the nodule they found on my thyroid. Hopefully it's nothing. My Mom has one too so I'm not too worried.

I got moved into the big office at work! Now I'm in the room with all the other graphic designers. : ) It's not a promotion or anything like that, they just have room now.

Speaking of work, The Print Raven won Best of Flagstaff this year in the category of "Best Print Shop"! We didn't even advertise for the competition this year and we ended up winning. We rock.

Being back at work is hard on my neck, but I'm settling back into the routine again just fine. The doc told me to only work part time and not to do any lifting or bending. So I'm confined to my desk except for a few production tasks like binding, laminating and copies (as long as they're not heavy once they're done).

I'm looking forward to my move. Lots of painting space. And I have lots of new ideas for art, mostly involving Circus Bacchus publicity and print design. But paintings are coming to me as well. I know I've been complaining that I don't paint enough. I think all the painting space in the new house will fix that. They have a room with a south wall that is mostly windows looking out into a pretty back yard, perfect for natural light.

Lance Horton, the guy with the gallery in Winslow, will be picking up my Brain Babies for display on Wednesday. I can't wait for them to be up again! And I'm stoked that they'll be displayed in a tattoo parlor. That alone makes the distance worth while. The best part is that he's understanding about the car and willing to pick stuff up from me.

Onward and upward and toward the New Year!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Poop and Percoset

Some facts about feces:
  • The human large intestine is about as long as one is tall and about the diameter of one's wrist.
  • The large intestine can hold from 10 to 15 pounds of feces at any given time.
  • Normal bowel movements often measure from 12" to 18" in length.
  • The average, healthy person has a bowel movement 2 or 3 times, daily.

Some facts about opioid analgesics:
  • Semi-synthetic varieties (those synthesized from resins of the opium poppy) include heroin, vicodin and percoset.
  • Morphine and codeine are extracted directly from the opium resin.
  • Despite the risk of dependancy and severity of withdrawl, they have been declared the "most effective" of pain-killers.
  • The side effects of opioids include sedation, depressed respiration and constipation.

As you have all read, I have been on percoset for my injury for a good 10 days. I took a break for 12 hours one day because I hadn't had a bowel movement in 5 days. I ended up having two enormous bowel movements that day, and gave in to constipation again for the remainder of the time.

I am happy to announce that I am officially off of the pain-killers that impeded my potty! And I have lost 2 pounds today in poop! In the last 10 hours, I have pooped 3 (Update 9pm - Now 4!) times in various shades of green (which I believe to be the fault of the pills).

I hope this wasn't too graphic for you, dear readers. But I feel SO much better now. And sharing is caring.


Monday, December 6, 2010


Here's the car...

Here's a very medicated Christmas elf in a neck brace...
(this is the morning after the hospital visit)

I'm feeling better and better every day.
There have been tons of doctor's appointments.
And many failed attempts at bowel movements.
My opinion of opiates gets progressively more negative.
But they told me I can switch to ibuprofen now if I want.
Done and done.

Sunday, December 5, 2010


I was in a car accident on the 29th. It was snowing and we hit a particularly treacherous curve in the road that was covered in slick snow. The road kept curving, but the car didn't and my girlfriend and I ended up crashing into a telephone pole at somewhere between 35 and 40 mph. There was a crunch, a sensation of hardness that I'd never felt before in my life, and puff of black smoke filled the cab. Laura fled the car, I managed my seat-belt and discovered my car door was stuck. She rushed around the other side of the car to help me but I used my adrenaline to climb over the seats and out her door. Then the pain hit me. My shoulders and neck felt like they'd been sledge hammered and my waste felt cold in a few places. I chalked it up to ice until later when I found out that my seat-belt had given me two burns on my iliac crests (better burned than comatose!).

After getting snowed on for a couple minutes, the paramedics arrived and put us in neck braces, then an anbulence took us to the hospital to be checked out. Laura came away with a bloody nose and a mild case of whiplash. My injuries were worse.

At the hospital, they got me out of my jacket and sweater and cut my shirt off. Then they put me in a gown and took my vitals and started me on an I.V. for pain killers which I initially refused. As the evening went on, they gave me a CAT scan and took some blood. I finally accepted morphine, and found it to be absolutely no fun, albeit effective. Then they pumped me full of anti nausea meds and atavan for the MRI. That was no fun either, even the anti anxiety meds didn't help, and they wore off in the middle of the scan. They found a bump on my thyroid. I have to get that checked out now.

The final diagnosis was that I have damage to my ligaments on C5 and C6 in my neck and need to remain in a neck brace until the neurologist says I can take it off without fear of paralysis.

The last week has been a percoset "soma holiday" and I've gotten a lot of knitting done. I see the neurologist on Wednesday, and hope to get my brace off. I am not allowed to lift anything, take the brace off, move my head, or much of anything. They said I could return to work on the 13th, but I'm going to play it by ear.

The injection for my trigger finger went well and it's feeling a lot better now. I almost punched the Doc out when the shot was delivered; it hurt like a mother...

Here are my thoughts on morphine. It sucks! Everyone I've ever talked to and read about opiate based drugs praises "the rush" and says it's the greatest thing in the world. In Trainspotting they say "Take the best orgasm you ever had, multiply it by a thousand and you're still nowhere near it." My ruling, horse-shit. They are so incredibly wrong. The nurse described "the rush" as "a blizzard in my brain" which is surprisingly accurate. It isn't pleasurable in the least, and neither is the high afterward. The rush gives you static, like a snowy TV screen, then it's like you're normal, but with a balloon for a head with 3D glasses on. Nothing special, nothing especially pleasurable, just normal-plus. I'd like to take the opportunity to judge opium enthusiasts as retarded and in need of better drugs. Opiates are crap. At least I know I'll never die a heroin addict!

Today I get to begin the process of packing my house for others to move. I can't lift anything, so I get to rely on the goodness of my circus friends to move and place my things in my new lodgings. And since I tend to micromanage my moving, this is going to take a lot out of me. But I am touched by the amount of people that volunteered to help right away. Thanks, everyone. It means a lot to me. And I promise, the food and drink I give you in return will be excellent.