Finished the first knitting project I ever started. It's a short scarf with yellow buttons. : )
I've been out of the neck brace since the 10th. And it's been SO nice. I'm recovering quickly and have lost a bit of strength and muscle, but there hasn't been much pain aside from stiffness.
I begin work again full time next week. Yay paycheck!
I've made a rag tag list of resolutions to guide me through my next year. Very few are physical goals, but I can make those once my body is in working condition again.
Read 5 Classics
Read 5 books from personal library
Circus Bacchus Act Posters
Love Paintings
Kris' Angels
Burn Unit Story and Character Sketches
Geb & Nut (legend in Burn Unit universe)
Finish 2 video games
Kitten Head Paintings
Beanie the Premie
Mittens, Chessie, Ginger, Mica
Finish Character Backgrounds
Sculpt a little
Knit a bit
Go to 2 raves
Rebuild lost strength
More trumpet
Bike (later in year)
Hip Hop Dance Class (later in year)
Save monies
A1c 8 or lower